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Cookie Policy

The purpose of this policy is to detail and display the types and functions and also to provide information about the actions which can be taken to dismiss or eliminate the cookies present on your devices if desired.

By surfing on this website, you agree to the usage of cookies in compliance with what has been established by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in Measure 229 of the 8th of May 2014. If you do not agree with the usage of cookies, you need to configure your browser in an appropriate way or to refrain from logging-in to any page of this website.

In the table shown below the policy, a detailed description is provided for every type of cookie that can be installed by pages of this domain and, in the case of cookies and third parties, links to the documents explaining ways to avoid the installment of these cookies or even for their removal at a following time.

Updates to EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)

To consult the up-to-date privacy policy of the website, according to the GDPR (regolamento UE 2016/679), we invite you to click on the link available at the bottom of any page.

What are cookies?

Cookies are computer files or partial data that can be saved on your computer (or other devices allowed to surf on the internet, for example smartphone or tablet) when you visit this website. Usually,a cookie contains the name of the website from which it originates the lifespan of the cookie (in other words for how long it will stay on your device), and a value, which normally is one number generated in random way.

What type of cookies do we use?

In compliance with the policy in force and with the measures of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, the cookies used by us are:

These two types can be:

Enabling/ disabling cookies through the browser

There are many different ways to manage cookies and other tracking technologies. By changing the browser settings you can accept or dismiss cookies or opt to receive a notice message before accepting a cookie from visited websites. We remind you that by completely disabling the cookies in the browser you might not be able to use all of our interactive functions.

If you use more than one pc/device in different locations, make sure that each browser is set in a way that satisfies your preferences.

You can remove any cookie installed in the cookie folder of your browser. Each browser has different procedures for the management of settings. Click on one of the links below to see specific instructions:

Microsoft Windows Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

If you do not use any of the browsers mentioned above, select “cookie” in the guidance section of the browser used in order to find out where is located your cookies folder.

It is possible to oppose the acceptance of cookies also by using, for unsubscribing, the IAB platform (Interactive Advertising Bureau) Europe by connecting to the following platform: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/.

Cancellation of Flash cookies

The tools for managing cookies available in your browser are not able to remove Flash cookies.

By disabling Flash cookies, however, some of our services might not work correctly and you might not have access to the various features thought to optimize your experience of surfing on the website.

Click on the link below to change the settings related to Flash cookies.

Disabilitazione dei cookie Flash

Cookies used on this website

In the following table, you can find a list of profiling cookies and cookies from third parties that are used on the website.

Because of their nature, this list excludes technical cookies closely linked to the usage of the website.

Service name
Type and functionality
Link for more information
Google Analytics
Cookie of third parties that allow the analysis, in an aggregated form, of the user's visit for statistical and informative purposes
Google Tag Manager
Cookies of third parties that allow the activation of Google services (e.g. Google Analytics) and allows to limit the requests to the servers
Cookies from third parties used to activate Facebook services (for e.g. statistics through Pixel, social buttons the Like, etc. )

Latest Update: - Publish at:

Con il contributo di Fondazione Montepaschi Bando IKIGAI (2019)

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