+39 3295497595Mon-Dom: 8.00am - 8.00pm

Privacy Policy

The current policy, issued according to the regulation (EU) 2016/679 is related to the process made by T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l. of the data collected when booking the offered services, on the occasion of the stipulation of the rental letter, or subsequently, of the implementation of the contract.

Hence, the current policy describes the different ways in which personal data is processed as well as the purposes of the processing, as required by the law, and allows the clients of the company T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l. and visitors of the website www.t500.it to be aware of how the personal data is managed.

We remind you that specific sections of the website in which the user's data is grouped (like booking procedures, registration, access, other requests of services or joining promotional events or surveys from T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l. through website) -documents or communications either received by or submitted to the user or the Client, may contain specific and additional information about the data processing or, otherwise, you can refer back to the current Privacy Policy.

"Processing personal data", applies to any operation or collection of operations, carried out with or without the support of electronic devices and concerning the: collection, registration, organization, preservation, consultation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, usage, interconnection, block, the communication, the diffusion, the cancellation and the destruction, even if not registered in a database.

According to the laws of the mentioned Privacy Code, all processing done by T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l. is based on principles of courtesy, legality and clarity to safeguard the clients' rights and those of the users of the website.

Collection of data

The society T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l., in the conduct of business of renting without a driver, collects the data related to the clients, especially regarding: name, surname, address, one number and fax, e mail address, place and date of birth, driving license details, passport and/or ID, codice fiscale (equivalent to the English National Insurance Number), credit card; company where the work is carried out; information linked to the possible membership in a company, associations with the aim of applying the agreed prices, information relative to the place, date and time of collection and redelivery of the rental vehicle, airlines and extremes of flight used, information related to events such as accidents and/or injuries which happened during the rental (taking into account also data of potential counterparties and/or subjects involved with any qualification).

The data are collected through:

  1. internet websites managed by T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l.;
  2. calls made by the clients to the booking and/or assistance centres of T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l.;
  3. the rental contracts stipulated in a national context by T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l.;
  4. application forms for subscribing set agreements;
  5. the relations and/or reports related to accidents and/or injuries concerning the rents;
  6. communications coming from other companies that are related to T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l. through commercial agreements.

Purposes of processing data

The processing of personal data has the following purposes:

  1. making bookings, the conclusion and the performance of the rental contracts as well as setting up a clients' bank data for these purposes;
  2. finalization of the international standards of the payment systems and management of payments (with the related processing of payment details, included the ID details of credit cards), of the required services and the potential economic fees, additional to the services, according to what is expected from the "general conditions of the rental" and/or from other specific rental conditions published on the website or in another way put at the disposal of the Client;
  3. fulfilment of legal, accounting, fiscal, administrative and contractual obligations linked to the current relationships, or to be established, or to the supply of the required services;
  4. management of the contacts with third parties for purposes concerning the insurance relationships or links regarding the administrative or legal procedures which interest the vehicles or are linked to the relationships with the providers;
  5. management of the relationships with the authorities and or public entities (third parties) for purposes linked to specific requests, to the fulfilment of legal obligations or of particular procedures (e.g. re-notification to the actual offenders in dispute of violation of the Road Code laws or other appliable regulations);
  6. predisposition of measures concerning the protection against the risk of credit, including activities with the aim of identifying the Client, to ensure the truthfulness of the provided data, of its economic reliability/solvency, even during the course of the relationship;
  7. arrangement of commercial, promotional, advertising and marketing initiatives such as marketing research, interactive and commercial communications, economic and statistics analysis, commercial information;
  8. sending advertising material and using the data in the field of analysis and commercial studies and of consumer habits (commercial programs, offers, promotions).

Processing modality

The collected data are subject to processing in the respect of the policy mentioned above and of privacy. The processing of data can be either paper based or digital and after the data are uploaded in the T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l central processing system, provided with a computer system based on selective access codes.

These data are processed by the people appointed by T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l., which includes also external companies that provide technical and operational services to T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l. based on a specific agreement and contractual guarantees, and from specifically charged company staff.

Communication and diffusion of personal data

The personal data, where necessary, can be communicated to the following subjects and categories of subjects:

  1. police force, armed forces and other public authorities for the fulfilment of obligation expected from the law, from regulations or from the community policy;
  2. companies associated and / or controlled by T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l.
  3. insurance companies in charge of the claim settlement;
  4. societies, entities, consortiums and associations that perform the activity of preserving the credit, banks, circuits supplying credit cards;
  5. societies specialized in the management of commercial information, advertising promotion or related to recovery of the credit.

Compulsory/optional approval

Acquiring approval for the processing of personal data is not necessary for any kind of processing specified above that is in any way linked and/or necessary to fulfil an obligation expected by the law, by a regulation or by the community policy, or to execute obligations deriving from a contract of which the client is a part or for fulfilling , before the end of the contract, its specific requests.

It is, instead, completely optional and not compulsory the consent to the processing of personal data to perform studies, statistic and marketing researches; to send public and informative material; selling activities or displacing of products or services; to send commercial information, interactive commercial communication according to Article 58 del Decreto Legislativo n. 206/2005 through the usage from the provider of his phone and/or electronic post. It is instead optional to consent to receive unsolicited commercial communications according to Article 9 of the Decreto Legislativo 9th of April 2003 n. 70 of transposition of the guideline on Electronic Trade 2000/31/CEE, that implies that unsolicited commercial communication must be immediately and unequivocally identifiable as that and to contain the indication that the recipient of the texts may oppose the reception in the future of these communications.

In the case that the Client decides not to give his distinct consent to the processing operations for commercial purposes when required in the particular section of the website this refusal will not have consequences of any type.

Processing of sensible data

T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l. does not collect nor process sensitive data related to the clients. However, if this data is also involved in the processing, it is necessary to incorporate the statement concerning the consent. In this case the process will also involve personal data, included in the category of "sensitive" data according to Article 4, comma 1 letter d), and 26 of the Privacy Code, in other words, suitable to reveal the racial and ethnic origin, the religious, philosophical or any other kind of belief, political opinions, adherence to parties, labor unions, religious, philosophical, political or syndicate associations or organizations, as well as personal data suitable to identify the health conditions and sexual life. These data can be subject to processing only with the written consent or with the "equivalent" consent of the individual concerned (e.g. displays of willingness through an online form) and in respect of the General Authorizations of the Guarantor to the data processing.

Navigation data and cookies

The computer systems and the software procedures intended for the functionality of the website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the usage of internet notices. In this category are included the c.d. "navigation data”, in other words, information on the user visiting the website, such as the IP address, the Internet Service Provider (ISP), the domain name of the computers used by the one who connects to the website and, in general, the other parameters related to the operating system and to the IT environment of the user. The website of T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l. makes use of the "cookies" technology. The cookies are encrypted text strings that can be stored by a website on a user's computer, without storing personal data but only anonymous information on the Client’s behavior on the website. They allow the personalization of the website and the offers based on the needs of the clients, also providing a more interesting browsing experience. At any time, the user/Client has the power to disactivate the operation of cookies, by changing the browser settings.

Data preservation

The data will be preserved for times determined by the policy of reference and, in any case, the period of preservation will be equivalent to the time necessary to follow the purposes mentioned above and for the duration of the relationship of service between the Client and the one entitled to do the processing, except for the necessity of contractual, administrative, fiscal, accounting or legal fulfilments, following the end of the relationship.

The data will be collected, processed and stored in respect of what is expected in Article 31 and by following the Privacy and Technical Disciplinary Code _see B attachment to the code_ concerning security measures.

Holder of the processing procedure

The Holder of the processed personal data is T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l. with legal headquarter in Via Goito n.7 – 53100 Siena.

Right to obtain access (Art. 7 D.lgs. 30th of June 2003 n. 196)

The Client and/or the users, in compliance with the Privacy Code, have the right to know which personal data have been collected and processed by T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l., to verify these data and gain their correction, the integration, the updating and the potential cancellation, apart from the obligations of preservation expected by the law. For this purpose, the user and/or Client can refer to the person in charge of the Privacy T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l.", by sending registered post to the following address: T.500 INNOVATION DREAM TOUR S.r.l., Via Goito n.7 – 53100 Siena, or sending an email to: info@t500.it.

Below we reproduce the text according to Article 7, D.lgs. n. 196/2003:

  1. The person concerned has the right to be made aware of the existence of personal data linked to him/her, even if not registered, and also to their communication in an intelligible form.
  2. The person concerned has the right to obtain the statement:
    • of the origin of personal data;
    • of the purposes and methods of the processing;
    • of the logic applied in case of processing conducted through electronic devices;
    • of the identification details of the holder, of the individuals responsible for the data and of the representative designated according to Article 5, comma 2;
    • of the subjects and categories (of subjects) to whom personal data may be communicated or that may acquire the knowledge in quality of representative elected in the territory of the state, individual responsible for or people in charge of the data.
  3. The person concerned has the right to access:
    • the updating, the rectification, in other words when he has the interest, the integration of data;
    • the cancellation, the transformation into an anonymous form or the blocking of the processed data through the violation of the law, including the ones of which are necessary to the preservation in relation to the aims for which the data have been collected and subsequently processed;
    • the proof that the operations reported at the letters a) and b) have been ( also for what concerns their content )brought to the attention of the ones to whom the data have been communicated to, except for the case in which this fulfilment would be impossible or would imply an usage of means clearly out of proportion comparing it with the protection of the right .
  4. The concerned person has the right to oppose, as a whole or in part:
    • for reasons linked to the processing of personal data that concern him/her, although related to the collection;
    • to the processing of personal data that concern him/her aiming to send advertising or direct selling material or for the accomplishment of market research or of commercial communication.

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Con il contributo di Fondazione Montepaschi Bando IKIGAI (2019)

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